Publications Andrea Reynolds has written. Give a gift certificate.

Many of these - except The Kindness Test - have little to do with her work as an undercover client, patient, guest, but all offer solutions to challenges we have in life.

I'm currently working on a new book The Kindness Test, which I'm crowd-funding.
That means up to 2000 early buyers - you? - and a charity will share its profits with me.
Place your advance order now.
Read an excerpt from the book.
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Business Publications I wrote (click on the links to read the details and order info):

Money Publications I wrote (click on the links to read the details and order info):

Self-Development Publications I wrote (click on the links to read the details and order info):

Relationship Publications I wrote (click on the links to read the details and order info):

Andrea Reynolds, Suite 647, 2501 West 12th Street, Erie PA 16505